Author - admin

Be Smart, Stay Safe…

I'm not sure why many media people thrive on seeing others in pain, instead, we should focus on making the world a better place every day. We should smile or say "Hi!" to strangers (not shake or make contact) because random acts of kindness will be returned 10 fold. I just wanted to let you know that it’s business as usual with...

Speak Enthusiastically — Motivate and Inspire Yourself…

"If you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, you are right." ~ Henry Ford Speak Enthusiastically -- Motivate and Inspire Yourself... What's In Your Daily Lexicon? The words you use build your experience of life. When you consciously choose to speak positively you assign positive experiences for every event in your life. IT'S your choice! Choose to INSPIRE YOURSELF... If you...

Make Every Minute Matter…

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." If You Don't Have The Time To Do It Right . . . . To make the best use of your time, do it right the first time. "It takes less time to do something right than to do it over." Come and JOIN...

Procrastinating On What May Change Your Life in 1 Hour

How many times have you avoided something for weeks or months that ended up taking an hour to do? Maybe it was learning about real estate. Maybe it was becoming your own boss. Maybe it was finally — finally — controlling your own future. Stop reading right now.. Do not read the next page. Now, today, go and do it. Today. Now. Get it out of your head,...