Monthly Archives - May 2024

Memorial Day 2024

By Brad Beckett Monday, May 27th is Memorial Day.  For most Americans the three-day weekend will mark the unofficial start of summer.  However, the solemn significance of the day is often forgotten.  It is actually a national day of remembrance for America’s military men & women who paid the ultimate sacrifice while defending freedom & liberty around the globe. Today’s infographic from...

Weekly Roundup Real Estate Updates

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Inflation Continues to Rise The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is reporting that the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3% in April, 2024. The all items index was up 3.4%...

The Basis of Power

By Jeffrey S. Watson Dear Anna, Political power comes from two things: people who vote, and people who contribute. It is from those groups that you get people who take political action, which is the purpose of my “Housing HERO” list. I would like each of you to reply to this email with answers to these questions: Are you registered to vote? Do...

Weekly Roundup News

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Yardi Says Steady Absorption is Boosting Multifamily Rents According to the latest Yardi Matrix Multifamily Report, the average U.S. multifamily rent was $1,725 in April, 2024. Click here to read more. Best American Cities for...

The Importance of Cash Reserves

By Jeffrey S. Watson Recently, I spoke to a group of real estate investors about buying properties using a creative financing method. Some of the questions asked reminded me how crucial it is that real estate investors have cash reserves to deal with the unexpected. I consider cash reserves to be “Murphy’s Law repellant” (anything that can go wrong will go...

Weekly Roundup News

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Homeownership & Rental Vacancy Rates for Q1 2024 The U.S. government is reporting that the national vacancy rates for Q1, 2024 were 6.6% for rental housing and 0.8% for homeowner housing. The national homeownership...

The Latest Edition of reiaSENSE

Fee what?: The Pacific Legal Foundation in yet another Constitutional victory for property owners and businesses alike, won a groundbreaking case at the U.S. Supreme Court. The case focused on impact fees and the conditional approval of a fee in order to receive a building permit. The 9-0 case set a clear precedent that municipalities are definitely restricted from this...

The Weekly Roundup

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Georgia Governor Signs Bill Making Squatting a Crime Following on the heels of Florida, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp recently signed legislation which would allow property owners to go after squatters for damages, in...

The Importance of Cash Reserves

By Jeffery S. Watson Dear Anna, Last weekend, I spoke to a group of real estate investors about buying properties using a creative financing method. Some of the questions asked reminded me how crucial it is that real estate investors have cash reserves to deal with the unexpected. I consider cash reserves to be “Murphy’s Law repellant” (anything that can go wrong...

Financial Independence for Real Estate Investors: The Role of Local Associations

By Rebecca McLean, Executive Director, National REIA For real estate investors, achieving financial independence is often the ultimate goal. However, the path to this form of wealth is not solely about accumulating properties or even a bigger bank account. It is about attaining a level of independence that allows you to make decisions based on your desires and goals rather than...