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Weekly Roundup News & Stats

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Existing Home Sales Drop 5.4% in June The National Association of Realtors is reporting that existing home sales were down 5.4% in June to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 3.89 million  - and...

Part 4 – The 8 Bad “D”s of LLCs

By Jeffery S. Watson This is the fourth in a series of emails discussing eight bad "D"s to consider when drafting an operating agreement for an LLC. 4. DISABILITY The reality is that none of us is getting younger, and with age comes the likelihood of more health problems. Given the uncertainties of life and a myriad of things that could result in some...

Office Vacancy Rate Rises Above 20%

By Brad Beckett Are you investing in the commercial space?  Data recently analyzed by Statista says the increasing acceptance of hybrid or fully remote work in a variety of industries coupled with many companies applying cost-cutting measures after pandemic growth spurts has led to a jump in vacant office space in the U.S.  In fact, data from Moody's for Q2 2024...

Part 3 – The 8 Bad “D”s of LLCs

By Jeffery S. Watson This is the third in a series of emails discussing eight bad "D"s to consider when drafting an operating agreement for an LLC. 3. DIVORCE Given the prevalence of divorce, particularly among individuals who are in the entrepreneurial space, it is a reality that you need to consider when drafting an operating agreement for an LLC. Public policy has pretty...

Part 2 – 8 Bad “D”s of LLCs

By Jeffery S. Watson This is the second in a series of emails discussing eight bad "D"s to consider when drafting an operating agreement for an LLC. 2. DEATH The death of a member-owner of an LLC is probably the worst of the eight. With many states now allowing LLC operating agreements to have language in them saying that the membership certificate transfers on...

An Oldie, but a Goodie

By Jeffery S. Watson While I'm out of the country on a much-needed, actual vacation (no work allowed!), I thought I'd share a series of emails I did a while ago regarding the "8 Bad Ds of LLCs". This information always bears repeating. When I draft LLC operating agreements for clients, or when I review ones that someone else has drafted, I...

This Friday’s Weekly Roundup

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Biden Proposes Cap on Rental Increases Nationwide Various news outlets are reporting that President Joe Biden is proposing a 5% cap on rental increases, in effect implementing de-facto rent control, nationwide. Biden’s plan will...

Snapshot of the Nation’s Housing Stock

By Brad Beckett The Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program (PEP) produces estimates of the population for the United States, its states, counties, cities, and towns, as well as for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its municipios. In addition, as illustrated by the interactive chart below, they also produce housing unit estimates for the nation, states, and individual counties.

Your Network Becomes Your Net Worth

By Jeffery S. Watson “Your network becomes your net worth” is something I’ve heard many times from my friends David Phelps and Jim Ingersoll. I’m not sure where it originated, but I recently had this advice demonstrated to me. A colleague of mine, Jason, who works at one of the companies in which I am a minority owner, was in the process of...

Confused as to Accredited Investor Status?

By Jeffery S. Watson I was recently asked if someone qualifies as an accredited investor by looking at their total situation. They realized that they had not had a conversation with their accountant about the value of their business that had little to no debt, had a low operating cost, but consistently generated a couple hundred thousand dollars a year in gross...