Monthly Archives - January 2022

What Are Your Requirements

What are your requirements AL Have a lot of folks online, asking "what are your requirements". Scared to answer that in writing for fear of inadvertedly violating something...and, of course, I hate to tell them what lies to tell....So I just reply with here's our application. My question to ya'll: Is it safer to have written criteria? If so, do you PROACTIVELY...

Deposit Stays Until Property is Vacant

Deposit Stays Until Property is Vacant "My 15 year resident is moving out and is asking for his $500 deposit. His cousin moved in 2 years ago and is on the lease. They are staying but can't afford to pay a $500 deposit. Not sure how to respond? Thanks!" Several landlords responded with pretty much the same answer: "The deposit always stays with...

A New Collections Hammer

A new collections hammer PA I have sent invoices for a number of years for monthly rent and balances due upon move out. I think I’m going to add to that; square invoices sent digitally recurring monthly automatically until it’s paid. Just let it Hammer their inbox. I might even set it up on a weekly or biweekly basis. When I send...