Rent Perfect launched a new video series with 14 episodes,
The Successful Lazy Landlord. Each episode gives 2-3 minutes of expert advice on how to efficiently on-board tenants with ease.
David Pickron – Rent Perfect Founder, CEO, and Chief Investigator
David has created the most amazing, mobile-friendly renter screen program…
- No more cords
- No more paperwork
- No more problems
- Help landlords seamlessly navigate:
(1) tenant screening, (2) property management, and (3) the eviction process.
Don’t miss these recent episodes on the Rent Perfect Podcast!
Click Image to Watch:
Happy New Year! Short term rentals are on the rise. Check out our latest article by Rent Perfect
President, David Pickron: “Your Short-Term Rentals Can Generate 6x Gains”.
It’s a simple mantra:
“Pay a little more attention up front & save a painful, expensive experience later.”
It’s a crazy time to be a landlord…don’t give up!
Tune in to the Rent Perfect podcast for solutions from experts in the industry!
Check out this new article, written by Rent Perfect VP, Scot Aubrey.
Scot gives 5 ways landlords can separate themselves from others to be more successful!

Our 50th Podcast Episode has Dropped!
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at Rent Perfect?
Here’s your chance to find out!
Our expert investigators and long-time employees share in their own words what makes Rent Perfect stand out from the rest.
Check out more episodes and subscribe below: