Tag - real estate

Your Weekly Roundup from National REIA

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Existing-Home Sales Surge 14.5% in February The National Association of Realtors is reporting that existing home sales were up 14.5% in February to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 4.58 million (down 22.6% year...

Your Weekly News Round Up from National REIA

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Reports 5.8% Annual Home Price Gain The latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index reported a 5.8% annual gain for December, 2022. Click here to read more. U.S. Construction...

Your “Weekly Round Up” from National REIA

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Existing-Home Sales Drop 1.5% in December The National Association of Realtors is reporting that existing home sales were down 1,5% in December to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 4.02 million (down 34% year...

How To Target Millennial Homebuyers

Millennials are currently the largest group of homebuyers. However, their buying needs are different than other generations. If you'd like to target millennial buyers, try incorporating some of these tips into your strategy. Social Media Matters Tech-savvy millennials have grown up using social media, and they expect to see their agents on the most popular networks. If you're looking to target millennials,...

“Yeah, but…”

By Jeffery S. Watson This was the most frequent response I consistently heard from younger investors when I would remind them about the 1986, 2001, and 2008 to 2012 real estate market corrections. I would urge them to “stress test” their portfolios, meaning would their portfolio still cash flow if their operating expenses increased by 25% and rents fell by 30%....