
Curtains for Closet Doors

Curtains for Closet Doors (by WMH [NC] ) Posted on: Feb 10, 2022 9:34 AM I do hate swinging doors, they take up so much space and we have small places. Bi-folds are terrible, always getting broken and falling off. Sliding barn doors only work in certain spaces. Ditto pocket doors. In our small cottages we have been using curtains on closets for...

Can You Work With Me

[MO] Applicant: "Can you work with me on (the 1st month rent/the deposit)?" Me: "No, we already have contractors." or just "No". [FL] No, I’m not in a position to be your lender and require move-in funds to be paid in full before keys are turned over. [NY] No. I actually have it in my ads and when I discuss about the apartment "first and security...

Don’t Wait Long!

A landlord mentioned on the MrLandlord Q&A forum that they receive a lot of inquiries (in one particular case, over 1,000) and hundreds of applications. However, by the time he gets back to a couple of the truly qualified applicants, they have already found another rental home. I offered the following suggestion: How long do you take before you get back...

What Are Your Requirements

What are your requirements AL Have a lot of folks online, asking "what are your requirements". Scared to answer that in writing for fear of inadvertedly violating something...and, of course, I hate to tell them what lies to tell....So I just reply with here's our application. My question to ya'll: Is it safer to have written criteria? If so, do you PROACTIVELY...

Deposit Stays Until Property is Vacant

Deposit Stays Until Property is Vacant "My 15 year resident is moving out and is asking for his $500 deposit. His cousin moved in 2 years ago and is on the lease. They are staying but can't afford to pay a $500 deposit. Not sure how to respond? Thanks!" Several landlords responded with pretty much the same answer: "The deposit always stays with...

A New Collections Hammer

A new collections hammer PA I have sent invoices for a number of years for monthly rent and balances due upon move out. I think I’m going to add to that; square invoices sent digitally recurring monthly automatically until it’s paid. Just let it Hammer their inbox. I might even set it up on a weekly or biweekly basis. When I send...

Business Assessment [AC]

Have you asked any of the following questions? As a business owner in the U.S., should you be asking these questions? What will my tax bill look like for 2021? Is there anything I should do in the next month to reduce that? If so, what? Does it involve spending money? Should I change my entity structure? Can I still change my legal entity structure? Am I going...

Checkbook LLC’s Just Took a Major Hit in Tax Court

Please share this far & wide, it has massive implications for SDIRA investing with "Checkbook LLC's". This is not a proposed law. This is a Tax Court ruling and is, therefore, the law today. Here are the basics: The taxpayer had an LLC 100% owned by her IRA. She was the manager. The LLC bought gold coins and stored them in her...

IRS Dedication More Attorneys to Attach Syndicated Conservative Easements!

IRS Dedication More Attorneys to Attach Syndicated Conservative Easements! by John Hyre The IRS announced (informally, at a CPA conference) that it is dedicating more attorneys to go after and litigate syndicated conservation easements. In such cases, syndicators acquire property in an LLC or LP, contribute a portion of it to a non-profit for natural or historical conservation purposes, and generate...

Let the Business Teach You

Let the Business Teach You by Tony Youngs When I first got into real estate, I chose to start with pre-foreclosures. I learned that banks and lending institutions would auction houses off to the highest bidder at the courthouse steps in the county where the property was located. I also learned that you could buy these houses directly from the homeowner...