Tag - tenants

Rent…On time Every time

by David Pickron History is littered with what, at the time, were considered “game changers.”  Those game changers have become commonplace in our current world; when was the last time you marveled at the technological breakthrough we know as the wheel?  Or the lightbulb?  Or even the fact that we fly in airplanes all around the world?  The likelihood is we...

“Yeah, but…”

By Jeffery S. Watson This was the most frequent response I consistently heard from younger investors when I would remind them about the 1986, 2001, and 2008 to 2012 real estate market corrections. I would urge them to “stress test” their portfolios, meaning would their portfolio still cash flow if their operating expenses increased by 25% and rents fell by 30%....

Curtains for Closet Doors

Curtains for Closet Doors (by WMH [NC] ) Posted on: Feb 10, 2022 9:34 AM I do hate swinging doors, they take up so much space and we have small places. Bi-folds are terrible, always getting broken and falling off. Sliding barn doors only work in certain spaces. Ditto pocket doors. In our small cottages we have been using curtains on closets for...

What Are Your Requirements

What are your requirements AL Have a lot of folks online, asking "what are your requirements". Scared to answer that in writing for fear of inadvertedly violating something...and, of course, I hate to tell them what lies to tell....So I just reply with here's our application. My question to ya'll: Is it safer to have written criteria? If so, do you PROACTIVELY...