Tag - investment property

Designing Your Toledo Rental Home To Appeal to Tenants

Image via Pexels As an investment property owner in Toledo, OH, you want to ensure your home is appealing to renters. The goal is to find quality tenants who will take care of your property and pay their rent on time. To do this, you must ensure your home is up to par regarding repairs, features, amenities, and design. Consider these...

Your Weekly Round Up from National REIA

Your weekly news & updates Here is this week's "Weekly Roundup" from Real Estate Investing Today, the news & views site from the National Real Estate Investors Association. Visit our Website Inflation Up 6.5% Over 2021 The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is reporting that the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) was down 0.1% in December, 2022. However, the all items index...