Together We Are Stronger: Building a Collective Voice for Property Rights

Together We Are Stronger: Building a Collective Voice for Property Rights



Together We Are Stronger:

Building a Collective Voice for Property Rights

Now is the time to give you an introduction to advocacy and engagement strategies. In this issue we are going to talk about the importance of collective action and how you can leverage your community to influence legislative outcomes.

We will touch on two things:

  • Advocacy-Step by Step
  • Getting Others Involved

Advocacy-Step by Step

When we talk about advocacy, some of the things you need to do are elementary. For instance, being registered to vote is a very basic thing but it needs to be said. See below and if you follow all of these steps, you can go from Housing HERO to Hometown HERO.


This is early on in our development as an organization, but we absolutely plan on putting together a certification system to track progress and reward members with honor badges. This means when you become a Hometown HERO, it will be known and available as to be seen by our community as setting a great example.

Advocacy Action Plan-Locally

  1. Be registered to vote.
    1. Make sure your friends and family members are as well
  2. Get educated on elections with a simple Google search
    1. Know when the elections are
    2. Who the candidates are
  3. Review a candidate’s website
    1. Find out where they are going to be
    2. Contribute to campaigns
  4. Attend the events you found on their website:
    1. Fundraisers
    2. Parades
    3. Fairs
  5. Ask candidates what their stance is on R.I.N.G.
    1. Rent control
    2. Income as a protected class
    3. No Background Checks
    4. Good Cause Eviction

Advocacy is much like networking with a political agenda. You want to show up, be in the room and let candidates know what you stand for.

Advocacy Action Plan-Locally Federally


Be Registered to Vote

We are saying it again because it’s that important. Your voice is stifled when you can’t vote for the people that will back your agenda.


Know the Two Names of Your US Senators

To know who your US Senators are, is to know how housing policy will be shaped in the near future.


Know the Name of Your Congressional Representative

It’s almost more important to know who your Congressional Representative is and what their views are because it’s the House of Representatives that controls how the government spends money.


Reach out to at least two of the three of the above regarding housing policy and REI

Let the current congressperson in office know your stance on these policies. At election time, find out their thoughts on Rent Control, Income As a Protected Class, and No Background Screenings and Good Cause Eviction (RING).


Contribute To a Congressional Campaign 

This is very similar to what’s in the outline for your local action plan.

You need to Google your member of Congress. They are running for re-election every 2 years. And then register to attend their next fundraiser.

This is your opportunity to ask them what their position is on housing policy and landlord-tenant matters

Getting Others Involved

Getting others involved who care about this matter is the easiest way to tackle the above.

First and foremost, if you attend meetups for real estate investing, it is highly recommended you make sure every real estate investor you know understands what’s happening right under their noses.


It’s always best to provide value rather than talk about yourself at these events. By spreading awareness and helping to inform your fellow landlords, you are providing them valuable information. This is a huge opportunity for each landlord to take control of their rights and their future.


Taking things one step further would be to become a Hometown HERO and form your own local Housing HEROs meetup to help support one another, create accountability and get more done.

We suggest you follow the outline above for local and federal advocacy, divide up the tasks and gather together once every two months to discuss your progress and/or findings.


It’s also a good idea to set up meetings and go to the offices of city council members as a group. Let them know you are part of a rental awareness group and that you want to make sure there is common sense legislation that remains in place for both, landlords and tenants.


Housing HEROs is still in its launch phase. As we grow, we will be putting out the following resources:


Community Action Plan

A One Pager checklist and guide to easily help you navigate being proactive in your hometown.


Hometown HERO Strategy

This takes the above to the next level when a Housing HERO forms a local chapter and has a group of people working together to protect property rights in their jurisdiction.


Housing HERO Awards Ceremony

For those who completed all steps in the Community Action Plan and/or the Hometown HERO Strategy, will be awarded badges of honor for doing so.

Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.”

-Charles de Gaulle

Disclaimer: The information above is provided for general informational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client relationship between the author and the reader. The information you obtain from this email is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. I invite you to contact me and welcome your electronic mail. Contacting me does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to me until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.

Jeffery Watson
The Jeffery S. Watson Law Firm, Ltd.
PO Box 604
Conneaut, OH 44030

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