The Latest Edition of reiaSENSE

The Latest Edition of reiaSENSE

The brain-drain of the world: For many years the US has benefited from being the destination of the world’s most educated and upwardly mobile individuals and families. The anti-immigration effort has wrongfully fallen on the legal immigration process binding it into a decade long mire that costs thousands of dollars to participate in both here and in countries of their origin. On the other hand, headlines daily broadcast the problems of illegal immigration, highlighting the criminals and numerous migrants of unknown origin, including those of countries opposed to U.S. preeminence. However, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Ellis Island was known world-wide for its beckoning to those looking for a better life, and except for a very few who can actually trace their lineage to native Americans, we are sons and daughters of immigrants who came here looking for a better way of life. Part of that process is joining into the American culture, a melting pot for sure, but one that holds out core principles of freedom that ring true in every human heart. So, let’s have a dialogue on immigration because the shouting match is getting us nowhere.

Look behind the mask: Every year about this time they come around in various costumes…not the kids, the candidates! With this year being a presidential election year, and federal issues drowning out local concerns – or masquerading as national issues, candidates of all stripes are knocking on doors, speaking at community events and walking in parades. Shake their hand and look them in the eye. Take their measure. Help your friends, family and coworkers with their research, not just repeating the ads paid for by the deepest pockets. Even Ballotpedia can help provide some insight – after all voting is still one of the last rights we have – failure to use it wisely will cost you!

Whipper snappers: When you can see the future and predict it, it must be demographics! And for the most part demographics is destiny, at least as far as most countries are concerned. While Boomers are aging (gracefully) into retirement, the shift in homebuying is fully upon Millennials who are hitting 35 years of age at a rate 4-5 million a year for the next several years. This will have an impact on single family housing purchases and demand. Alternatively, they will be exiting the rental market with a smaller demographic following on their heels… Those who remember the basics of economics know that supply and demand always impact the market, and change is coming. Click here to read more about this trend.

Trouble around the world: There are over 24 countries in the world that are engaged in varying intensity of fighting and conflict. Years from now historians may point out that WWIII had its roots in some of these conflicts, much like the alliances of the 19th century triggered WWI. Blessedly, the US has 2 oceans and a depth of energy reserves that allow for an almost unhindered continuation of life as normal. Our neighbors to the north are kind and dealing with their own (legal) immigration issues, and those to the south have troubles as well. In truth, their problem with drug cartels has something to do with our demand. Until one changes, the other is unlikely to be affected. Interest rates are dropping around the world, but debt is climbing. How those two can co-exist is beyond the explanation of economists, but it shouldn’t be missed by business owners – if the US prints its way out of the situation, debt will be reduced in value, while assets will increase in cost. The value of dollars will continue to drop…the benefit to those holding dollars: they are not dropping in value as fast as other currencies.

Remember Hurricane Katrina? Do you remember Hurricane Katrina? Thousands upon thousands stuck in weather torn areas; a mass exodus of people from New Orleans which was under water? And where was FEMA? Just a few weeks away with no where near the number of supplies needed. Fast forward 20 years, and the fast-moving Hurricane Helene has revealed a department that seems to be in the same condition as before. Within a week of the event impacting Georgia, the Carolinas and parts of Tennessee, the department is already claiming to be unable to fund its number one responsibility – aiding survivors of storm devastated areas in the US. Literally named the Federal Emergency Management Agency – its failure to be ready to respond is beyond the pale. An audit of the funds and the bureaucrats who have been well paid for decades should be a top priority, along with a new director and maybe re-designation of the entire organization! Hurricanes occur every year. Every year. Some are worse than others, but there is NO excuse that this agency is unprepared!

Chevron, not just gasoline? The “Chevron Deference” is having an interesting impact. Since its repeal in late June over 110 cases have referenced the new precedent. However, with 40 years of sloppy congressional legislation – specifically because of this policy there will need to be substantial cleaning up and clarification performed at the legislative level. And for those who are celebrating the death of Chevron Deference, a word of caution – be careful what you wish for! With over 800 judges of varying political philosophies, they could very easily weigh in on any one of numerous regulations and make them worse! Learn more about this issue by clicking here.

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National REIA | 2755 Mansion Place, Crestview Hills, KY 41017

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