Source of Income Survey – Take ASAP!

Source of Income Survey – Take ASAP!

REIA Leaders:


We have talked about the “source of income” issue before and now it has a reached a critical point where we must take action. Here is some quick background info; Across the nation, at least120 smaller jurisdictions like Kansas City, Missouri, have implemented “source of income” discrimination. In most places where this policy has been implemented it either doesn’t work or changes anything because it is quite easy to get around.


However, cities are now masking much more stringent rules like no background checks or credit checks under the guise of Source of Income. In Kansas City, they have even set up a 311 number to complain about a particular landlord. After 3 complaints, whether you’re guilty or not, you have to have fair housing do an audit of your actions.


This needs to stop. I know you do such a great job on the national end but we need to put a little effort to stop this cancer that is slowly coming down through city councils. For Kansas City, we have contacted the Attorney Generals’ office and they do seem interested in fighting this. This survey will help prove to city councils that landlords will not be bullied and will leave before they comply.


Please take 30 seconds to help pull together information from the housing industry and those of us who provide much-needed housing.


Likewise, please share this link with anyone who is an investor or housing provider.



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