2022 Events Calendar
Tues. | Jan. 11
6:30-7:00 pm EarlyBird / Networking & Ask the Expert Table
Tues. | Jan. 11
Fair Housin’s Enforcement of 11 new ToledoRental Laws
Tues. | Jan. 11
BOR-Brd of Rev-LOWER your taxes & the NEW Aries Online- Anita Lopez, auditor
Wed. | Jan. 12
Investors 101′ 1-on-1 for ALL investor join Pros 6-7pm IHOP (Talmadge north of I-475)
Fri. | Jan. 14
Friday Networking Breakfast, Uncle Johns Pancake, 8:30 am
Tues. | Feb. 8
6:30-7:00 pm EarlyBird / Networking
Tues. | Feb. 8
BOR-Brd of Rev-LOWER your taxes & the NEW Aries Online- Anita Lopez, auditor
Tues. | Feb. 8
Mr Land Trust – Randy Hughes: Take the target off your back with complete privacy
Wed. | Feb. 9
‘Investors 101’ 1-on-1 for ALL investor join Pros 6-7pm IHOP (Talmadge north of I-475)
Fri. | Feb. 11
Friday Networking Breakfast, Uncle Johns Pancake, 8:30 am
Tues. | Mar. 8
6:30-7:00 pm EarlyBird / Networking
Tues. | Mar. 8
BOR-Brd of Rev-LOWER your taxes & the NEW Aries Online- Anita Lopez, auditor
Tues. | Mar. 8
Tax FREE Real Estate Investing with EQUITY TRUST, Top experts in self directed IRAs
Wed. | Mar. 9
‘Investors 101’ 1-on-1 for ALL investor join Pros 6-7pm IHOP (Talmadge north of I-475)
Fri. | Mar. 11
Friday Networking Breakfast, Uncle Johns Pancake, 8:30 am
Tues. | Apr. 12
Annual 2022 Investors Trade Fair with dozens of vendors, discounts & prizes (each 3 min)
Wed. | Apr. 13
‘Investors 101’ 1-on-1 for ALL investor join Pros 6-7pm IHOP (Talmadge north of I-475)
Fri. | Apr. 15
Friday Networking Breakfast, Uncle Johns Pancake, 8:30 am
Tues. | May 10
6:30-7:00 pm EarlyBird / Networking & Ask the Expert Table
Tues. | May 10
Lead Inspecter Tammy LeFevre- “Successfully Pass the Lead Cert- step by step”
Wed. | May 11
‘Investors 101’ 1-on-1 for ALL investor join Pros 6-7pm IHOP (Talmadge north of I-475)
Fri. | May 13
Friday Networking Breakfast, Uncle Johns Pancake, 8:30 am
Tues. | Jun. 14
6:30-7:00 pm EarlyBird / Networking & Ask the Expert Table
Tues. | Jun. 14
Professional Floor Covering Training- Mark Farnsworth, international expert!
Wed. | Jun. 15
‘Investors 101’ 1-on-1 for ALL investor join Pros 6-7pm IHOP (Talmadge north of I-475)
Fri. | Jun. 17
Friday Networking Breakfast, Uncle Johns Pancake, 8:30 am
Tues. | Jul. 12
6:30-7:00 pm EarlyBird / Networking & Ask the Expert Table
Tues. | Jul. 12
Brent Kesler-Build Your Own Bank-the Money Multiplier
Tues. | Jul. 12
‘Investors 101’ 1-on-1 for ALL investor join Pros 6-7pm IHOP (Talmadge north of I-475)
Wed. | Jul. 13
Friday Networking Breakfast, Uncle Johns Pancake, 8:30 am
Tues. | Aug. 9
6:30-7:00 pm EarlyBird / Networking & Ask the Expert Table
Wed. | Aug. 10
‘Investors 101’ 1-on-1 for ALL investor join Pros 6-7pm IHOP (Talmadge north of I-475)
Fri. | Aug. 12
Friday Networking Breakfast, Uncle Johns Pancake, 8:30 am
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